제목 | ADB로 스크린 캡쳐하여 저장하는 방법 | ||||
글쓴이 | DreamyCnI | 날짜 | 2018.08.17 11:41 | 조회 수 | 55478 |
출처 : http://blog.shvetsov.com/2013/02/grab-android-screenshot-to-computer-via.html
Grab Android screenshot to computer via ADB
There are many ways to take a screen shot on Android device. One simple way to capture the screen on Galaxy Nexus is to simultaneously press and hold Power and Volume Down buttons. The image will be saved in a "Screenshot" directory and accessible via Gallery. adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png adb pull /sdcard/screen.png adb shell rm /sdcard/screen.png Not bad, but seems like there's some room for improvement. Information provided by screencap -h indicates that screen shot can be sent to stdout, but running adb shell screencap -p > screen.png results in seemingly corrupt file.Luckily, I wasn't the first person looking into this issue. Apparently, adb shell is performing an EOL (end-of-line) character conversion, from LF (line feed, '\n', 0x0A) to CR+LF (carriage return followed by line feed, '\r\n', 0x0D0A). If that sounds familiar, that's because I've dealt with this before. Unfortunately, this time we're working with binary data, so using tr -d '\r' command to remove all 0x0D will likely corrupt it by also removing bytes that aren't part of the 0x0D0A sequence. We want to only remove carriage return characters when they are followed by a line feed.The solution is to use sed search and replace as follows: adb shell screencap -p | sed 's/\r$//' > screen.png Unfortunately, I found that sed fix while works on Ubuntu doesn't work on OS X. This solution using perl handles binary search and replace better: adb shell screencap -p | perl -pe 's/\x0D\x0D\x0A/\x0A/g' > screen.png
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